Mala Murthy, Principal Investigator
BS, Biology, MIT, 1997
PhD, Neuroscience, Stanford University, 2004
Postdoc, Systems Neuroscience, Caltech, 2004-2009

Xinping Li, Postdoc
BSc, Applied Biology, Hong Kong Baptist University
PhD, Neuroscience, Rutgers University, 2018

Rich Pang, Postdoc
Sloan-Swartz Theory Postdoctoral Fellow
Joint w/ Pillow and Bialek
BS, Physics, University of Wisconsin, 2011
PhD, Neuroscience, University of Washington, 2019

Bartul Mimica, Postdoc
CV Starr and EMBO Postdoctoral Fellow
Joint w/ Falkner
BA, Psychology, University of Zagreb, Croatia
PhD, Neuroscience, NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Tech), 2020

Albert Lin, Postdoc
Princeton Center for the Physics of Biological Function Postdoctoral Fellow
Joint w/ Clandinin (Stanford)
AB, Princeton University, Physics, 2015
PhD, Harvard University, Physics, 2021

Duncan Mearns, Postdoc
CV Starr Postdoctoral Fellow
Joint w/ McBride
BA, Cambridge University, 2013
PhD, Max Planck Institute (MPI) for Neurobiology, Munich 2021

Bella Brezovec, Postdoc
PhD, Neuroscience, Stanford University, 2023
BA and BS, Art and Biology, Penn State University, 2015

Shruthi Ravindranath, Neuroscience Graduate Student
Joint w/ Pillow
B.S., Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Mohali, 2017

Max Aragon, Neuroscience Graduate Student
BA, Physics, UC Berkeley, 2017

Wayan Gauthey, Neuroscience Graduate Student
Joint w/ Leifer
BS, Biology, University of Lausanne, 2020
MS, Neuroscience, ETH Zurich, 2021

Yoon Woo Park, Lab Manager and Research Specialist
BS, Biology, University of Toronto, 2015
MS, Biology, University of Toronto, 2018

Arie Matsliah, Research Software Engineer and Data Evangelist, FlyWire
PhD, Computer Science, Technion (Israel Institute of Technology)

Umesh Singla, Research Specialist
BS, Computer Science, IIIT Hyderabad
MS, Computer Science, UCSD, 2023

Inwoo Shin, Class of 2026
Major: Neuroscience